Welcome Megan Taylor

We are pleased to welcome Megan Taylor to the team at Fresh!  Have a peek at her awesome credentials and follow her extensive collection on Instagram at: hairbymegantaylor

Megan has over 15 years in the beauty industry.  As an educator, she has a solid foundation in hair care and instructed classes of over 20+ aspiring stylists!

She has also been a stylist for New York Fashion Week as well as Vancouver Fashion Week.  Working alongside other amazing stylists and top designers, Megan keeps her technical and creative skills sharp and on trend.  Megan’s precision to detail has also earned her coveted hairstyling positions in the burgeoning BC film industry.

With a love and passion for hairdressing, Megan now works behind the chair where she shares her exceptional styling skills with a devoted clientele.  With her experience she brings precision and detail to every individual client’s personal vision for themselves.

Contact Megan at (604) 250-0104 to book an appointment or consultation.